February is Heart Health Month and we know by statistics that stress is a major cause of heart disease in this country.
There are many things that we can do to reduce stress in our day to day lives and in an increasingly aging population it is more important that we do so now than ever before.
Lifestyle changes are always the first suggestions. Eating healthy foods that keep us lean and functioning well and daily exercise that will keep our heart pumping are the two most common things suggested to reduce stress and create a healthier lifestyle. Both of these are necessary and work best together. One without the other is usually not enough. Daily exercise doesn't have to mean a trip to an expensive gym either. Simply walking is enough to meet our daily requirements and can be done by all levels of activity. Not only is walking good for us but, it also allows us the time to get back in touch with ourselves and the world around us. Take the time you spend walking to notice things in your neighbourhood, maybe it's the berries newly forming on the bushes or the snowdrops poking their heads through the frozen ground or simply a snowflake in its many faceted design. This connection to Mother Earth grounds us and allows us to draw on the Earths energies to clear and cleanse our inner souls creating a sense of peace and calm within, thus reducing the buildup of stress on our bodies. So next time you're out for your daily walk pay attention to your surroundings in both sights and smells and let Mother Earth wash over you and cleanse you .
Reiki works on this principle of energy flow. Universal energy is channelled through practitioners using ancient Japanese symbols and the placement of hands on different energy points of the body, either through direct contact or through the persons aura. As the energy is moved throughout the body, energy flow is increased, negative energy is released and replaced with Positive Universal Energy and a sense of peace and calm takes over. A Monthly Reki treatment can keep stress levels to a minimum thus promoting a healthier lifestyle, lessening the chance of heart attack and stroke.
For the month of March I will be offering a 10% discount on ALL REIKI Treatments. Those booking appointments in person will be given the discount at time of payment. For those of you who receive distance Reiki booked online, I will be changing the prices online for the month of March, so you will book and pay in the normal fashion but the prices will be lower by 10%. I had hoped to simply offer a discount and or coupon online, however paypal is not capable of doing that at this time, so I will simply change the prices for the month of March and then change them back for April. Please book early and remember I also offer classes for those wishing to learn to give Reiki to themselves or their family members. Contact me if you're interested in a class.
Wishing you all a stressfree February
Reiki Master
There are many things that we can do to reduce stress in our day to day lives and in an increasingly aging population it is more important that we do so now than ever before.
Lifestyle changes are always the first suggestions. Eating healthy foods that keep us lean and functioning well and daily exercise that will keep our heart pumping are the two most common things suggested to reduce stress and create a healthier lifestyle. Both of these are necessary and work best together. One without the other is usually not enough. Daily exercise doesn't have to mean a trip to an expensive gym either. Simply walking is enough to meet our daily requirements and can be done by all levels of activity. Not only is walking good for us but, it also allows us the time to get back in touch with ourselves and the world around us. Take the time you spend walking to notice things in your neighbourhood, maybe it's the berries newly forming on the bushes or the snowdrops poking their heads through the frozen ground or simply a snowflake in its many faceted design. This connection to Mother Earth grounds us and allows us to draw on the Earths energies to clear and cleanse our inner souls creating a sense of peace and calm within, thus reducing the buildup of stress on our bodies. So next time you're out for your daily walk pay attention to your surroundings in both sights and smells and let Mother Earth wash over you and cleanse you .
Reiki works on this principle of energy flow. Universal energy is channelled through practitioners using ancient Japanese symbols and the placement of hands on different energy points of the body, either through direct contact or through the persons aura. As the energy is moved throughout the body, energy flow is increased, negative energy is released and replaced with Positive Universal Energy and a sense of peace and calm takes over. A Monthly Reki treatment can keep stress levels to a minimum thus promoting a healthier lifestyle, lessening the chance of heart attack and stroke.
For the month of March I will be offering a 10% discount on ALL REIKI Treatments. Those booking appointments in person will be given the discount at time of payment. For those of you who receive distance Reiki booked online, I will be changing the prices online for the month of March, so you will book and pay in the normal fashion but the prices will be lower by 10%. I had hoped to simply offer a discount and or coupon online, however paypal is not capable of doing that at this time, so I will simply change the prices for the month of March and then change them back for April. Please book early and remember I also offer classes for those wishing to learn to give Reiki to themselves or their family members. Contact me if you're interested in a class.
Wishing you all a stressfree February
Reiki Master