DREAMS....a series of moving pictures, or pure guidance?
Dreams....our inner world. I very recently had a client tell me that they were having dreams about a loved one who had passed and were being told about a specific course of action. My client asked me if I believed this was really their loved one offering guidance or did I think that they were just desperate to know that their loved one was still around so their mind was working in overdrive? I nearly cleared the table we were sitting at in one fell swoop and shook them by the shoulders! Most definitely it is your loved one communicating with you in the easiest way possible I said, with as much calm as I could muster.
Dreaming is a state when the mind is finally still, open to suggestion and free of ego. Through our dreams we can connect with our Guides, our Angels and Loved ones and receive Divine guidance. We all dream, even if we don't remember or think that we do, we are most definitely dreaming. There are many types of dreams that we can have too.....from the very playful or prophetic or exciting, to the very odd or weird or even scary dreams. But those who study dreams and their effect on us will tell you that ALL dreams have a purpose and hold significant clues about our lives and the challenges it offers. And, considering that most of us on average get about 7-8 hours of sleep a night, that can equate to a lot of information being downloaded to us. Taking the time to pay attention to our dreams and begin to decipher the symbols they hold, can be useful to our spiritual growth and advancement. Some dreams may even hold glimpses of our Past Lives and/or our Future ones. Can you see now how useful this information could be?
If this is you....... welcome to a very large club! We are in such a habit of discounting our dreams that we rarely pay enough attention to them to remember them. However, if you are ready and willing to start remembering your dreams, there are ways that can help you. First of all you need to hold the intention that you wish to remember your dreams. Create a sacred space at night just before going to sleep or say a prayer to your Guides and Angels asking for their help with remembering your dreams. Keep your bedtime routine clear of alcohol or drugs that will altar your perception. Secondly, keep a journal by your bedside to right down your dreams as soon as you awake. Now, I'm not suggesting that you spring open your eyes and begin to write a novel and then try to lull yourself back to sleep. No.....not at all. But, you can quickly jot down keywords that will help you remember the specifics of your dream, or draw yourself a picture of what you saw. Pay close attention to colors, symbols and or people, places or pets that are in your dreams. It's more important to be accurate in the symbols you see then it is to write down the dream with proper punctuation and paragraphs. You'll have plenty of time when you are fully awake to transfer your notes to full sentences, but be careful when doing this that you don't "add" things to the experience that weren't actually there....we all have a tendency to embellish.
There are some crystals like Kyanite, Amethyst or Herkimer Diamond that can assist you with dream recall. You can either keep these on your bedside table with your journal or you can place the crystals under your pillow. And, there are some herbs like Mugwort, or Lavender or dreamtime teas that can help induce sleep and dreams.
Once you start remembering your dreams it can at first be sort of overwhelming the amount of information that comes through and most in symbol form. How do we interpret all of this? Well, first of all pay attention to the subtle nuances that you feel when you look at your journal, or think back on your dream. Does it make you feel happy, sad, uncomfortable?? What is currently happening in your life that can be connected to these symbols?
There are many, many dream interpretation books on the market that can give you a "general" idea of what some of the symbols in your dreams may represent. It's important to keep in mind though that our dreams are personal and individual and therefore a "generic" meaning may not always fit. Taking all of the above into consideration, it's now time to tap into your intuition, that gut feeling and/or little inner voice that we all have. How does this dream effect you? What do YOU feel it means to you? What message do you feel is held within?
Yes sometimes our dreams can be scary at first light, but a deeper examination can shed a more positive light on these sometimes. Dreams based in "fear" can be valuable in revealing some specific area in your life where you may still be holding onto a physical fear in life. Because we have these prophetic glimpses into the dark side of our life while in a calm, and detached sleep state, it gives us a safe and non-confrontational place to examine these fears and allows us to safely release and let go of some attachments.
I once read that "lighworkers" can experience nightmares when negative entities enter in to throw them off their path of light, or that they are being sent "psychic attacks". I personally don't subscribe to this belief. I believe that if you are a lightworker and working always in protected space, always clearing and balancing your energies and only working within the light then you cannot be affected by negative entities. As for "Psychic Attacks", although there are those out there who choose to try and send negative thoughts intentionally to harm, these thoughts can only hold power if you invest in them. If you truly believe you are being victimized by a psychic attack then you've allowed that energy in. If you do not hold the believe in the psychic attack then it cannot harm you.
If you are having nightmares then ask your Angels to surround you in pure white light before going to sleep and ask them to allow only positive vibrations and messages to enter your dream state. Ask them to help you release any fears or phobias into the light.
Keeping a dream journal over a period of time will allow you to see that these darker dreams may be intended to bring your attention more towards a potential pitfall or challenge coming up for you.
Well, you've heard the old saying "Ask and you shall receive"? That is exactly how to communicate with your Angels, guides and or loved ones through dreams. Are you looking for some guidance into a specific matter in your life like maybe a new job, health issue, relationship advice, spiritual growth etc. Then ask your Guides to present insight into your dreams. During sleep we are open to receive wisdom, insight and understanding without being influenced by our Ego which can derail us with it's second guessing. So sleep is the perfect time to set up a channel of communication with the Angelic Realm, our Guides and yes, even our loved ones in spirit. Again, set yourself up for this experience prior to falling asleep. Create a sacred space, calm environment (do not leave candles burning while falling asleep) but certainly you may light some as a part of your preparing for bed routine. Take a warm and calming bath and ask to be surrounded by Divine White Light, allowing whatever information serves your higher purpose to come to you. If you work with a specific guide or Angel and would like to include their name, by all means do so. If you want to connect with loved ones in spirit, you can have a picture of them on your bedside table or under your pillow to keep their names and images present in your mind as you drift off to sleep. Please note that if you have just recently lost someone and are going through the grieving process, it is natural to want to connect with your loved one desperately, and you may spend your days praying for them to come to you, but this can sometimes have the opposite affect. However, they may find it easier to connect with you while you are in dream state as you will be more open to their contact and will be able to share the experience without the emotional connection. Your loved ones are always around you as pure beings of light, but they also have work to do on the other side. Ask them to give you a symbol in your dreams of how you can sense them around you during the waking hours and be open to whatever that symbol may be.
So go ahead and set the intention to remember your dreams, be open to the thoughts, visions, symbols and signs you receive and in the morning when you wake up, ask yourself "What did I dream last night?" As you reprogram your mind to stop discounting your dreams, but rather to remember their significance, you will be opening yourself to a world of true guidance and intuitiveness that can help you achieve your goals, remove blockages, work through fears and phobias, spiritually enlighten your soul and keep you on your Soul's path.
Blessings and Sweet Dreams
Psychic Medium - Spiritual Advisor
Dreams....our inner world. I very recently had a client tell me that they were having dreams about a loved one who had passed and were being told about a specific course of action. My client asked me if I believed this was really their loved one offering guidance or did I think that they were just desperate to know that their loved one was still around so their mind was working in overdrive? I nearly cleared the table we were sitting at in one fell swoop and shook them by the shoulders! Most definitely it is your loved one communicating with you in the easiest way possible I said, with as much calm as I could muster.
Dreaming is a state when the mind is finally still, open to suggestion and free of ego. Through our dreams we can connect with our Guides, our Angels and Loved ones and receive Divine guidance. We all dream, even if we don't remember or think that we do, we are most definitely dreaming. There are many types of dreams that we can have too.....from the very playful or prophetic or exciting, to the very odd or weird or even scary dreams. But those who study dreams and their effect on us will tell you that ALL dreams have a purpose and hold significant clues about our lives and the challenges it offers. And, considering that most of us on average get about 7-8 hours of sleep a night, that can equate to a lot of information being downloaded to us. Taking the time to pay attention to our dreams and begin to decipher the symbols they hold, can be useful to our spiritual growth and advancement. Some dreams may even hold glimpses of our Past Lives and/or our Future ones. Can you see now how useful this information could be?
If this is you....... welcome to a very large club! We are in such a habit of discounting our dreams that we rarely pay enough attention to them to remember them. However, if you are ready and willing to start remembering your dreams, there are ways that can help you. First of all you need to hold the intention that you wish to remember your dreams. Create a sacred space at night just before going to sleep or say a prayer to your Guides and Angels asking for their help with remembering your dreams. Keep your bedtime routine clear of alcohol or drugs that will altar your perception. Secondly, keep a journal by your bedside to right down your dreams as soon as you awake. Now, I'm not suggesting that you spring open your eyes and begin to write a novel and then try to lull yourself back to sleep. No.....not at all. But, you can quickly jot down keywords that will help you remember the specifics of your dream, or draw yourself a picture of what you saw. Pay close attention to colors, symbols and or people, places or pets that are in your dreams. It's more important to be accurate in the symbols you see then it is to write down the dream with proper punctuation and paragraphs. You'll have plenty of time when you are fully awake to transfer your notes to full sentences, but be careful when doing this that you don't "add" things to the experience that weren't actually there....we all have a tendency to embellish.
There are some crystals like Kyanite, Amethyst or Herkimer Diamond that can assist you with dream recall. You can either keep these on your bedside table with your journal or you can place the crystals under your pillow. And, there are some herbs like Mugwort, or Lavender or dreamtime teas that can help induce sleep and dreams.
Once you start remembering your dreams it can at first be sort of overwhelming the amount of information that comes through and most in symbol form. How do we interpret all of this? Well, first of all pay attention to the subtle nuances that you feel when you look at your journal, or think back on your dream. Does it make you feel happy, sad, uncomfortable?? What is currently happening in your life that can be connected to these symbols?
There are many, many dream interpretation books on the market that can give you a "general" idea of what some of the symbols in your dreams may represent. It's important to keep in mind though that our dreams are personal and individual and therefore a "generic" meaning may not always fit. Taking all of the above into consideration, it's now time to tap into your intuition, that gut feeling and/or little inner voice that we all have. How does this dream effect you? What do YOU feel it means to you? What message do you feel is held within?
Yes sometimes our dreams can be scary at first light, but a deeper examination can shed a more positive light on these sometimes. Dreams based in "fear" can be valuable in revealing some specific area in your life where you may still be holding onto a physical fear in life. Because we have these prophetic glimpses into the dark side of our life while in a calm, and detached sleep state, it gives us a safe and non-confrontational place to examine these fears and allows us to safely release and let go of some attachments.
I once read that "lighworkers" can experience nightmares when negative entities enter in to throw them off their path of light, or that they are being sent "psychic attacks". I personally don't subscribe to this belief. I believe that if you are a lightworker and working always in protected space, always clearing and balancing your energies and only working within the light then you cannot be affected by negative entities. As for "Psychic Attacks", although there are those out there who choose to try and send negative thoughts intentionally to harm, these thoughts can only hold power if you invest in them. If you truly believe you are being victimized by a psychic attack then you've allowed that energy in. If you do not hold the believe in the psychic attack then it cannot harm you.
If you are having nightmares then ask your Angels to surround you in pure white light before going to sleep and ask them to allow only positive vibrations and messages to enter your dream state. Ask them to help you release any fears or phobias into the light.
Keeping a dream journal over a period of time will allow you to see that these darker dreams may be intended to bring your attention more towards a potential pitfall or challenge coming up for you.
Well, you've heard the old saying "Ask and you shall receive"? That is exactly how to communicate with your Angels, guides and or loved ones through dreams. Are you looking for some guidance into a specific matter in your life like maybe a new job, health issue, relationship advice, spiritual growth etc. Then ask your Guides to present insight into your dreams. During sleep we are open to receive wisdom, insight and understanding without being influenced by our Ego which can derail us with it's second guessing. So sleep is the perfect time to set up a channel of communication with the Angelic Realm, our Guides and yes, even our loved ones in spirit. Again, set yourself up for this experience prior to falling asleep. Create a sacred space, calm environment (do not leave candles burning while falling asleep) but certainly you may light some as a part of your preparing for bed routine. Take a warm and calming bath and ask to be surrounded by Divine White Light, allowing whatever information serves your higher purpose to come to you. If you work with a specific guide or Angel and would like to include their name, by all means do so. If you want to connect with loved ones in spirit, you can have a picture of them on your bedside table or under your pillow to keep their names and images present in your mind as you drift off to sleep. Please note that if you have just recently lost someone and are going through the grieving process, it is natural to want to connect with your loved one desperately, and you may spend your days praying for them to come to you, but this can sometimes have the opposite affect. However, they may find it easier to connect with you while you are in dream state as you will be more open to their contact and will be able to share the experience without the emotional connection. Your loved ones are always around you as pure beings of light, but they also have work to do on the other side. Ask them to give you a symbol in your dreams of how you can sense them around you during the waking hours and be open to whatever that symbol may be.
So go ahead and set the intention to remember your dreams, be open to the thoughts, visions, symbols and signs you receive and in the morning when you wake up, ask yourself "What did I dream last night?" As you reprogram your mind to stop discounting your dreams, but rather to remember their significance, you will be opening yourself to a world of true guidance and intuitiveness that can help you achieve your goals, remove blockages, work through fears and phobias, spiritually enlighten your soul and keep you on your Soul's path.
Blessings and Sweet Dreams
Psychic Medium - Spiritual Advisor